April Hobbs

Publishing Partner

British-born April Hobbs has the type of lived experience of a thoroughly modern world traveller. April has lived and worked in the major economic powerhouses of London, Barcelona, Istanbul, Dubai and everywhere in between. With 25 years corporate sales and marketing experience, April is accustomed to leading high performance teams and is passionate about
elevating brands. She believes that nothing exciting happens in the comfort zone, which is why she has reinvented herself across different markets and embraced change. “Knowledge is only part of the story for me. The ‘why’ is something on which few organisations focus, so I’m passionate about helping businesses discover their purpose. Everything I do is geared to sustainable growth”. April is fascinated with the innovation eco systems encountered on her travels, and is particularly impressed with the innovation landscape that Adelaide (her new home) has to offer. Since arriving in South Australia just over five years ago, April has been determined to find a way to shine the spotlight on the city that she loves and which recently claimed the fame of one of the world’s most liveable cities.

Email [email protected] to find out more!

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