INNOVATEā„¢ Sao Paulo

Innovations of the World

INNOVATEā„¢ Sao Paulo

SĆ£o Paulo is a living example of innovation and renewal.

SĆ£o Paulo is a difficult city to explain, comment on, to define. Thatā€™s because SĆ£o Paulo doesnā€™t stop. Neither to sleep, nor to wake up, nor to eat, nor to have fun. It is plural in everything, from every angle. A city that, all the time, has people who cry and people who laugh. That embraces, kisses and fights. The city of opportunities and, at the same time, of the lack of opportunities. A city of great contrasts. SĆ£o Paulo is unique in a country that is also unique. Think of a busy place, but cosy at the same time. Think of an industrial, commercial city, but at the same time, with a huge artistic and cultural heart that beats 24 hours a day throughout the city. There are 12.3 million inhabitants of all races, colours, beliefs and creeds. Active, motivated, restless people. The city has the 10th largest GDP in the world, representing, alone, around 11% of the entire Brazilian GDP, and the full 34% of the GDP of the state, as well as being home to 63% of the multinationals established in Brazil. It is also responsible for around 30% of all national scientific production, and for more than 40% of the patents produced in the country. Innovation is synonymous with SĆ£o Paulo. SĆ£o Paulo, all the time, renews and innovates. Innovate with SĆ£o Paulo!


The Publisher

Francisco Britto

Britto holds a degree in Advertising and Journalism and a postgraduate degree in Business Administration. He has over 40 years of experience in marketing and sales. He has worked in companies such as Grupo PĆ£o de AƧĆŗcar, DPZ, Young & Rubican, W / Brasil, among others, always in the areas of customer service and planning.  At Wunderman... click to read more

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